Free Money, make sure you get your share!
Yes, that right there is free money being given away by the Government and a lot of people are not claiming it.
KiwiSaver members have until the end of June to make sure they qualify to receive the government’s annual contribution of $521. As long as they’ve contributed at least $1,043 in the year to June 30 they’ll receive the full amount from the Government. The $521 will appear in their KiwiSaver account in July or August.
It has been estimated that over a KiwiSaver member’s working life the government contribution could be worth as much as $36,000 which is a real boost to your retirement savings!

Last year $785 million, or 47% of the money the government allocated for its contribution to KiwiSaver members went unclaimed which is a lot when KiwiSaver now has close to 3 million members and almost 50 billion invested.